Monday, April 28, 2014
Project: Walk [Your City] Web App Team 01
Tag Line: Discover the MOST popular point of interest near you…The Mobile Walking App.
Problem This App Solves: This app makes it easy to find different locations of interest from different location APIs. With one keyword search you can filter through the Yelp and Google results to find the location of your choice. In addition, the WalkScore rating is also displayed for each result listed. This will help you identify places that are easy to walk to, by the given walkability rating.
How Does This App Work: This web-application works by taking the keyword and throwing it into a Google Places and Yelp API. These APIs are tapped using url requests and the responses received is JSON objects. We then parse the JSON objects for the information we are looking for, place name, address, and rating, and then create Java Beans for these objects. We also tap into the WalkScore API, using the same methods described above, and take the WalkScore data and update the Java Bean location objects. All the back end server code is done in Java using Servlets.
Future Work: Currently, we need to implement the Dark Skies API so we can get weather information about the locations. We also need to implement the "Common Names for Places" requirement from Matt. We are still a little confused on this requirement and hope to clear it up soon.
Link to the site:
Link to GitHub Repo:
Link to Video Demo:
Link to Usability Test 0.0.1:
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