Tagline: Improves the user experience to Raleigh Public Record’s voter’s guide and also enables easy searching for candidate profiles.
The core problem the app solves: It allows the user to browse for candidates easily by offering search options and filters the profiles. It modifies the landing page, candidate profile list, and the individual profile page and presents it in a visually appealing manner.
A little bit about how this app works: We used HTML, CSS, and JS in the frontend to work on the visual aspects of the deliverable. The backend used an AWS EC2 server running a LAMP stack. The backend API pulls data from a MySQL database, and produces JSON response objects. The implementation is a RESTful API created using mod_rewrite to redirect all incoming requests to the Apache2 server to a PHP page which routes the request to the appropriate functions to generate and return the correct data.
Unfinished and future work: We did not have a chance to create a web based interface for making entry about candidates in the database. Currently, if the administrators wanted to add new information, they have to manually do it through the database. If we had time, we would work on creating a simple web based interface form that will let the administrators add information about new candidates directly to the database. We also need to make
Working Site: http://snefru.u
GitHub repo: https://github.
Video: http://youtu.be/aLPXuQK7DhI
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