Come to the nexUX Meetup!  With Emil Polyak, professor of art and design at NC State A presentation of cross-disciplinary experiences In this informal presentation at a special time, Emil Polyak will share with us some of his work that breaks down the barriers between art and technology, and will also hold a Q&A after the presentation. Please bring your questions to the event! Emil Polyak is professor of art and design at NC State. With degrees in cross disciplinary art and design as well as telecommunications engineering. The experiences he creates attempt to break boundaries between technology and art by focusing on play, interactivity and making. Emil will present several of his projects, including virtual puppets exhibited at SIGGRAPH, and his current work in the area of virtual reality. As always with our meetups, this is not a "sit back and listen" meeting, but a chance for us to bring together a cross disciplinary group of people to think about the relationship between UX, technology, and art. Mostly though, we'll get to know one another, and have some fun. Please RSVP using the button below. Also, please forward this email to whomever you think might be interested! Special thanks to our 2015-16 sponsors - LexisNexis, Deutsche Bank Global Technologies, the ePartners Program and the NC State Engineering Foundation. |
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