Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This is the time for web apps. People are working on the internet, playing on the internet, and doing many thing on the internet. Web app is a good solution. There are many web apps out there, but I think the good web application should be easy to access, easy to interact, easy to navigate, giving people exactly what they need, and having the features that differentiate itself to other similar apps. Web app should be a convenient tool.
My favourite web app is Google docs. I’m using Google docs to write this report. What made Google docs a good web app, at least for me?
First of all, Google docs is one of Google products, and many people have Google accounts. Therefore, it should be easy for people to log in to their Google accounts and use Google docs. My Google email is always on my web browser, so I can open Google docs quickly when I need it.
The web interface of Google docs is very simple with few but enough options for users. I hate when I go to a web app and have to spend time to learn how to use it. I want it to be simple and easy to use. That is what Google docs got.
As a student, I need Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Google docs gives us the similar tools, and more importantly, those tools are compatible to MS Offices. That means you can create files on Google docs and open them by MS Offices or the other way around.
Google docs has a feature that makes me like to use it even more than MS Office on my computer. That is the ability to share the file to other users. Not that simply, when I mentioned, I meant all users can be able to edit the shared file at the same time. Moreover, the users can see each other activities on the shared file, and they can chat with each other while editing the file. This is a great option for team-work.
From what I listed, I feel that Google docs is obviously a great and convenient web app. It does a great job on replacing the traditional Office tools. Google docs is a good web app that I would recommend everyone.
It is free:
This is my post:

And here is my VOICETHREAD:

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